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Human Biospecimens Unveiled: Navigating Cutting-Edge Standards for Research

Ensuring high standards in the recovery, transport, and handling of human biospecimens for research is essential to the quality of tissue used in pre-clinical research studies and greatly impacts the quality of data generated.

In this webinar, Bud Brame and Jeffrey Thomas will explain how LifeNet Health LifeSciences can best serve the needs of researchers involved in a diverse spectrum of studies and:

  • The significance behind guiding a biospecimen's journey from donor to research lab.
  • Tailoring the biospecimen project process to align with your research requirements.
  • How LifeNet Health's specialized protocols are helping to advance neuroscience in projects studying the brain and dorsal root ganglia.

About Our Presenters

Bud Brame serves as the Vice-President of Reimbursement Service and General Manager of Biospecimen Research at LifeNet Health LifeSciences. Bud has been a leader at LifeNet Health for over 38 years and was instrumental in launching the Skin and Wound Allograft Institute. He has served on numerous committees associated with setting industry standards, best practices, and tissue banking inspections, such as on the Board of Directors with the American Association of Tissue Banks.

Since 2017, Jeff Thomas has been the Program Director for LifeNet Health LifeSciences. He has designed and developed human tissue transplantation and research biospecimen collection for the last 35 years. Jeff has managed multiple large scale ethical, legal, and social implications studies for both transplant and research donation and has authored several papers and standards documents related to donor recovery and authorization practices. His most recent project was participating in the GTEx project funded by the NIH Common Fund.