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Cell-Based Assay Services

Determining Intestinal Absorption In Vitro

For new drugs, it is crucial to determine how much of the administered dose will reach systemic circulation and result in the desired efficacious effect. The primary factors that limit the bioavailability of a drug are:

  • Solubility/dissolution of the compounds
  • Absorption/crossing of the compound across the intestinal membrane

The Challenge with Testing Intestinal Absorption

Reproducible high quality intestinal absorption data that can be used to develop pharmacokinetic models for predicting accurate bioavailability (%F) is an essential component of the drug development process. Due to inherent variation within the cell models and interlaboratory variation, accurate and reproducible intestinal absorption (Papp) can be difficult.

The LifeNet Health LifeSciences Solution

Benefits of Our Services:

  • Accurate and reliable data for informed decision-making
  • Fast turnaround times to keep your drug development on track
  • Access to new innovative models and unsurpassed expertise
  • Collaborative approach to ensure the study addresses your research questions

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Intestinal Absorption - Basic Study DesignSummary of Intestinal Permeability A → B (Proficiency Compounds)Summary of Papp Class


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