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Cell-Based Assay Services

Detecting Direct Thyroid Disrupting Chemicals (TDC) In Vitro

Chemicals May Disrupt Thyroid Function

Chemicals that disrupt thyroid function can cause pronounced effects on thyroid hormone homeostasis, resulting in significant adverse effects in humans. To evaluate chemicals for thyroid effects in vitro, a human primary thyrocyte model is required.

The LifeNet Health Solution

LifeNet Health has developed a fully functional 3D thyroid microtissue model in collaboration with the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). This is the first human primary thyrocyte model that maintains T4 synthesis and TG production for several days, enabling longer-term studies. Endpoints for this model include: 

  • Thyroxine (T4)
  • Thyroglobulin (TG)
  • Thyroperoxidase Activity (TPO)

Benefits of Our Services:

  • Accurate and reliable data for informed decision-making
  • Fast turnaround times to keep your drug development on track
  • Access to new innovative models and unsurpassed expertise
  • Collaborative approach to ensure the study addresses your research questions

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Testing Parameters for TDC Direct


Example Plate for TDC Direct


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