TruVivo® is the first and only 2D+ hepatic system to provide human-relevant, reliable results in an easy-to-use format. TruVivo kits include prequalified primary human cells combined at an optimized ratio to mimic the microarchitecture and functionality of the human liver. TruVivo’s unique combination of relevance, reliability, and simplicity make it ideal for the widest range of potential applications, including metabolism of low-clearance compounds, disease modeling, toxicity testing, and more.

This pioneering 2D+ system combines the best features of 2D and 3D models. With TruVivo, users can expect the simplicity and flexibility of a 2D model, along with the relevance, longevity, architectural integrity, and robustness of a 3D model.
This combination of attributes makes TruVivo a valuable tool in ADME/DMPK, toxicology, and disease modeling applications for the pharmaceutical and agriscience industries.
For clients who want to leave the work to us, TruVivo is also available as a service - an option that offers true simplicity and ease. Our team of expert scientists can use TruVivo in cytotoxicity studies, ADME/DMPK assays, or to represent the liver in our multi-organ platform screening service.Learn more.

TruVivo is the most human-relevant 2D+ hepatic system available because of its 100% human cell composition. Prequalified primary human hepatocytes, stromal, and endothelial cells self-assemble to form in vivo-like hepatocyte colonies with extensive cell-cell connections, including tight and gap junctions and bile canalicular networks. Albumin and urea production are within human physiologically relevant ranges, and Phase I and II metabolic pathways are sustained for at least two weeks.
TruVivo offers accurate, consistent results — for the greatest level of reliability available today in human hepatic studies. TruVivo’s reliability is proven by consistent urea and albumin production from well to well, experiment to experiment, and user to user. Our process for prequalifying the primary human hepatocytes used in the system is a key factor that powers this unparalleled reliability.

TruVivo is easy to use and adopt compared to other liver systems. TruVivo uses standard equipment and plate formats, along with cryopreserved cells that accommodate the user's timeline and workflow. Minimal training is required for users with basic cell culture skills.
TruVivo offers an extended culture period, thanks to prequalified hepatocytes that remain stable for up to six weeks. Morphology, cell polarization, and urea and albumin production are all maintained – making TruVivo an ideal platform for drug discovery and development applications that require prolonged or repeated compound exposures.

TruVivo is the most flexible and adaptable hepatic model on the market today. Experiments can begin in as little as five days after culture setup. The system can also be adapted to meet your assay needs, including seeding densities, media changes, and more.
The TruVivo kit includes prequalified cryopreserved primary human hepatocytes, primary human feeder cells, and optimized media components to support at least two weeks in culture.
Same- or next-day shipping is offered to most locations worldwide. Cells are shipped in the vapor phase of liquid nitrogen. Media components are shipped on dry ice or refrigerated cold packs.
TruVivo is available in 24-well and 96-well formats. Complete, ready-to-use kits and negative control kits (containing feeder cells and necessary media) are available.
Have a question? Interested in learning more about TruVivo? Our team of experts are ready to help you take the all-human approach to your research.
Fill out the form below or call 1-888-847-7831, ext. 2000.

TruVivo is an ideal platform for applications that require prolonged or repeated compound exposures, including the clearance of low-turnover compounds. Validation work by pharmaceutical partner, Boehringer Ingelheim, has demonstrated the potential for TruVivo to predict in vivo clearance. To view their poster, click here.
The feeder cells are not liver-derived but are a mixture of primary human stromal and endothelial cells.
For each format, 24- and 96-well, the ratio of feeder cells to hepatocytes has been optimized to achieve human-relevant hepatocyte morphology and functionality. Optimal seeding densities for hepatocytes and feeder cells are provided.
The feeder cells have been growth-arrested to minimize cell expansion.
The total number of attached hepatocytes per well is lot-dependent. Based on initial seeding density, expect greater than or equal to 50% attachment. The calculated hepatocyte cell number per well for each lot is provided for data normalization. For more information about how we calculate this value, click here.
Kits include enough media to accommodate daily medium changes for two weeks − however, the frequency of medium changes can be adapted to meet specific assay needs. For most culture work, it is recommended to change at least every two to three days. For applications that require prolonged compound exposures, plates can go up to seven days without changing the medium.
Typically, by day five, cell morphology and functionality have stabilized, and cells are ready for compound treatment. This can be extended to seven days if needed for workflow convenience.

LifeNet Health’s portfolio of pioneering all-human cell solutions are leading the way in human in vitro biology. Connect with our team of experts to discover how our cutting-edge cell solutions can work for your research applications.