Advancing your scientific research through high-quality all-human primary human cells and tissues

LifeNet Health LifeSciences offers the largest selection of comprehensively characterized liver cells and tissue in the industry.


Get expert help with lot selection to ensure the best match — the first time around — to support compound discovery, disease modeling, and toxicology efforts.


We offer primary human hepatocytes and non-parenchymal liver cells — Kupffer cells, stellate cells, and liver endothelial cells — as well as FFPE liver tissue blocks and snap-frozen tissue. Healthy and diseased liver tissues are available. We offer unparalleled support to partners in the agrichemical, biotech, cosmetics, food safety, pharma, and regulatory industries.


Advantages include

An extensive inventory, with 200-plus unique donors


Healthy and diseased options


Donor-matched cells and tissue samples


Comprehensive donor medical and social histories


Extensive histopathology reports, including NAFLD activity score along with H&E- and trichrome-stained images


Genotyping for pharmacologically relevant drug-metabolizing enzymes


A Higher Standard

LifeNet Health® LifeSciences is an industry leader with advanced, vertically integrated processes that cover the donation continuum, from consent to recovery to preserving biospecimens in line with best practices.


Our Extensive Portfolio


We provide a large inventory of primary human hepatocytes in plateable and suspension categories. Hepatocytes are tested for phase I and II enzyme activity as well as the induction of CYP3A4, CYP2B6, and CYP1A2 mRNA and specific activity.


Kupffer Cells

Our Kupffer cells are isolated from whole liver tissue immediately after enzymatic dissociation and enriched prior to cryopreservation. Each lot is tested for cytokine induction to lipopolysaccharide (LPS) stimulation.


Stellate Cells

Stellate cells are available from both healthy and diseased liver tissues at passage 0 and passage 1. Each lot exhibits positive expression of GFAP, αSMA, and desmin.


Liver Endothelial Cells

Our liver-derived endothelial cells are a mix of vascular and sinusoidal endothelial cells, available at passage 0 and passage 1. Each batch is characterized by flow cytometry for endothelial cell markers, including CD31, CD146, and vWF.


FFPE Liver Tissue Blocks

We offer formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded blocks of human liver tissue across a spectrum of NAFLD/NASH donors. Our growing inventory of FFPE blocks includes over 6,000 samples from over 380 donors.


Snap-Frozen Tissue

Our snap-frozen tissue samples span the NAFLD/NASH spectrum from 0-6. Donor-matched companion tissue and cells are available, including primary human hepatocytes, stellate cells, Kupffer cells, and liver endothelial cells.


A World of Support

LifeNet Health LifeSciences is focused on partnering with you — every step of the way. We offer the support you need, including technical expertise, to help you succeed at every stage of your project. In our view, every customer is a valued partner, and each transaction is an opportunity to build a relationship.


Here's What You Can Expect From Us

Expert help in lot selection to ensure you get the optimal primary human hepatocytes and non-parenchymal liver cells the first time


Large lot sizes — including 90-plus hepatocyte batches with 100 or more vials.


Flexible reservation policies


Shipping in as little as 24 hours


Post-purchase follow—up, including troubleshooting advice from scientists


"LifeNet Health LifeSciences is a great provider of high quality, well characterized primary liver cells from histologically scored normal and NASH donor livers. Their product offerings have high potential to impact NASH and liver fibrosis drug development. LifeSciences also has deep technical expertise in human liver biology, serving as a useful partner and collaborator."

— Senior Scientist, Large Pharma Company